Holy cow you will never guess what I got. I got a killer bunny and if you don't believe me go to GOTT FLEMISH? That's where I got it from and I also have some pics of my bunny. The only problem with this is I can't think of a name for it. In the pics he is the white one with the red eyes and it's a boy and he is only 4 moths old. The other one is my brother Tyler's he dose not have a name ether. His is also a boy and any idles would be grate. I thought that this was cool and thought that you would to my bunny's moms name is Carol and his dads name is Walt.
He is way cute.We have to make a date when I can see him!!!!
He is way cute.We have to make a date when I can see him!!!!
Stanley & Oliver
Jethro & Homer
Goober & Gomer
They are adoreable!
I really like your background.!May!
I love your back ground!!!! Is it new??? !MAY!
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